“We exist to bring glory to God in Mulvane and beyond through our passionate worship, the proclamation of the gospel, the preaching of sound doctrine, the practice of radical love, and the power of transformed lives.”
Mission statement of Mulvane Christian Church as stated in the MCC Constitution adopted by the church membership September 2020.
God calls us to lead people to Jesus Christ in such a way that lives are changed by the power of God. At Mulvane Christian you’ll find many people who have personally experienced the transforming power of knowing Jesus Christ. Because we know the value of forgiveness and trusting Jesus Christ, we feel compelled to not only tell others about God’s saving love, but demonstrate His love in practical ways.
We want to be a Life Giving church. Jesus said that He came that we might have life and have it to the full (John 10:10). As His followers we intend to be encouraging and compassionate towards people. We believe that people matter to God!
We’re not perfect, but we are learning to walk together in fellowship and obedience to Him. Along the way, the His Holy Spirit is at work among us, shaping us to become more like Jesus. There is a big difference between a “nominal” Christian and a genuine, true, authentic, fully-devoted follower of Jesus. That kind of believer is a spiritual champion, and that’s what we want to be.